The Beak List

The Beak List

  1. 5/21 Brown Thrasher, location: back yard
  2. 5/21 Laughing Gull, location: Newport News Shipyard
  3. 5/21 Common Grackle, location: back yard
  4. 5/21 American Robin(female,and male), location: back yard
  5. 5/21 Northern Cardinal, location: back yard
  6. 5/21 Mourning dove, location: back yard
  7. 5/21 Carolina Wren, location: back yard
  8. 5/21 Gray Catbird, location: back yard
  9. 5/22 Osprey, location: NNSY, Notes: perched on crane, hooked bill, white front, brown wings 
  10. 5/22 Brown Pelican,location:NNSY Notes: preparing to dive
  11. 5/23 Rock Dove/Pigeon, location NNSY pier, Notes: pair pecking at food on the ground
  12. 5/23 Bank swallow, location: NNSY, Notes: dare devil flight pattern, brown band across chest  
  13. 5/23 European Starling, location:Newport News, Notes: purplish green iridescent with yellow beak. 
  14. 5/24 Red Bellied Woodpecker, location: Back yard 
  15. 5/25 Chipping Sparrow, location: neighborhood
  16. 5/25 House Finch, location: neighborhood
  17. 5/26 Swainson's Warbler, location: GDS NC
  18. 5/26 Easter Towhee, location: backyard
  19. 5/26 Great Crested Flycatcher,location: backyard
  20. 5/26 Carolina Chickadee, backyard
  21. 5/26 Tufted Titmouse, backyard
  22. 6/2  Red winged black bird, isaac walton refuge VA  
  23. 6/13 Northern Flicker, backyard

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